Market Background
German visitors generally visit Canada between May and October. A key factor that can influence their choice of travel destination is seeing a great deal. Some key activities of interest for a future trip to Canada include nature parks and hiking or walking. About 76% of German travellers are likely to use a travel agent to book a trip to Canada. German travellers generally prefer to visit Canada as a fully independent touring trip (40%), rather than independent touring trips with guided excursions (21%) or fully escorted or guided group tours (14%).
For more information on ongoing travel recovery and anticipated visitation from Germany in 2023, please refer to Destination Canada’s latest Tourism Outlook.
Market Reports
Global Tourism Watch
Consumer-based intelligence and key strategic considerations for the tourism market in Germany from our annual Global Tourism Watch study in 2021.

Market Highlights
A brief, at-a-glance summary of key facts on travellers from Germany.

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